Tackle Dry Weather like an RV Pro

Team OutdoorsyAugust 21, 2016

Tackle Dry Weather like an RV Pro

Picture yourself sitting on top of a sand dune, taking in the purple hues of the night sky as the sun finally takes a bow. The crisp air of this arid landscape makes it hard to believe that the sun even existed a few minutes ago, and the chill is not something you’re prepared for. Here are 6 tips to help you enjoy your vacation and RV in dry weather like a pro.

sand dune sunset rving tips dry weather

   1.Prepare for Frosty Weather

Although it may not seem possible during the daytime hours that the temperatures can drop at night, many dry and arid areas have a significant drop in temperature after sunset. One of the best ways to gradually prepare for the sudden drop in temperature is to pack clothing that can be worn in layers. Synthetic fibers such as polar fleece tend to work the best where temperature regulation is concerned, as well as the unexpected cloudbursts that may occur due to its quick-drying qualities. Bringing something along to keep the head, feet, hands, and the back of the neck warm all go a long way in retaining body heat.

2. Dry Air and Chapped Lips

rving in extremely dry environment

This may seem like a minor inconvenience, but chapped lips can soon become a very big distraction which will take away from the beauty of the area. Some coconut oil in a tube or tin will allow those lips to stay moist in the evenings, but during the day the best option is one that contains protection against the harmful rays of the sun.

3. Sand, Stones, Bricks, and Rocks

firepit rving tips

These items may seem more appropriate in a building yard but they are also very helpful when camping in dry areas, especially areas that are prone to fires. Building a makeshift firepit will allow the fire to provide the necessary heat without the danger of setting dry underbrush on fire. Sand also happens to be an ideal way to kill the fire, especially if water is in short supply.

 4. Coconut Water

sand dune dry weather camping

During dry conditions, the desire to drink large amounts of water simply never ceases and the body struggles to keep itself cool when water is in short supply. It could also lead to headaches and drowsiness which will put a damper on the trip. Coconut water is not only a nutritional way to get in some hydration, it also happens to have four times the hydration value of water.

5. An Extra Tarp or Two

Investing in an extra tarp or two will make a significant difference in providing shade in the camp sites. Although the RV’s and tents already provide shade, that extra layer of defense provided by the tarp will go a long way.

6. It’s About Time

marshmellows rv cooking

A great camping experience involves proper planning, and the best time to explore the surrounds are in the morning hours and late afternoons. Campers should start their campfires an hour before sunset, and warm layers of clothing should be ready before the sudden drop in temperature sets in. Once the sun sets, the camp fires, hot beverages, and toasted marshmallows should suffice.

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